Our Focus

At Calixte Antoine Kingdom, we’re not just planting seeds in the ground, but also in the minds of the next generation. Our dual focus on education and agricultural development aims to cultivate both intellect and soil, creating a sustainable future for rural Haiti.

Nurturing Minds, Enriching Soil

The Calixte Antoine Kingdom is deeply committed to two transformative avenues: education and agriculture. In rural Haiti, the potential for change lies not just in classrooms but also in the fields. By investing in educational programs and sustainable farming practices, we’re creating a holistic approach to community development. Our initiatives are designed to empower individuals and families, providing them with the tools and knowledge to uplift their communities from within.


Education is the cornerstone of our mission. We partner with local schools to provide scholarships, supplies, and mentorship programs. Our goal is to create an enriching educational environment that nurtures creativity, fosters critical thinking, and opens doors to opportunities.


Agriculture is the lifeblood of rural Haiti. We invest in sustainable farming practices, providing seeds, tools, and training to local farmers. Our initiatives aim to boost crop yields, improve food security, and contribute to the economic well-being of the community.

Our Sponsors

Our work is possible because of the generous support from our partners and sponsors. Together, we’re making a lasting impact in rural Haiti.

Empower the Next Generation